Want to turbo-charge the quality and quantity of your creative writing, get publishing results, and work in a group setting?

Our Creative Writing Intensives are immersive writing experiences, usually with daily writing tasks in a group setting. All writers will also receive individual coaching by our award-winning authors in our team.

These challenges can be completed on top of a day job, but suit a highly committed writer who prefers daily deadlines and the social setting of a private group.



Want to turbo-charge the quality and quantity of your creative writing, get publishing results, and work in a group setting?

Our Creative Writing Intensives are immersive writing experiences, usually with daily writing tasks in a group setting. All writers will also receive individual coaching by our award-winning authors in our team.

These challenges can be completed on top of a day job, but suit a highly committed writer who prefers daily deadlines and the social setting of a private group.

Our Creative Writing Students' Successes

A selection of our students' published novels.

Want Advice about the Best Writing Course for You?

We would love to help you choose the best course for you. Tell us what style of writing you want to develop and we'll give you some options.